Gastronomy and eating out in Benidorm is fantastic. Benidorm and all regions of Costa Blanca has a rich cuisine.
Holidaymakers are able to taste all kinds of food and cuisines in the Benidorm restaurants and cafes such as British,
Swedish, German, Dutch, Belgian, Italian, French, Chinese, Indian, Turkish, Argentine, Mexican and more...
In addition; There is an abundance of outlets in Benidorm for Anglo-Saxon, Dutch and Turkish fast food together with
Italian pizza parlours and Asian restaurants.
As for what to eat in Benidorm and specific cuisine;
An excellent way of experiencing Benidorm is to go into the heart of the Benidorm old town centre and enter fully
into the world of tapas sensing the bustling popular atmosphere that characterises this side of Benidorm.
The staples of the so-called Mediterranean diet constitute the basic ingredients of Alicante cuisine. Rice, cooked
in all manner of ways and styles, is undoubtedly the most frequent dish in the provincial cuisine. Arroz a banda
is the name given to the dish in which the rice, drier and dyed the colour of the accompanying dried red peppers
or ñoras, is served alone. Other variations allow for the rice to be flavoured with squid (calamar) and tunny fish,
chicken and fillet of pork, baby squid (chipirones) and garlic shoots, or tunny fish and shrimps (gambas). It just
depends on which ingredients are lying to hand.
Shellfish and salt-dried fish are on the menus of every restaurant. The day’s choice might include gilthead bream
(dorada), bass baked in salt (lubina a la sal), seafood with a squeeze of lemon, or some delicious sea-fresh red mullet
(salmonete) and whiting (pescadilla). Whether steamed or grilled, clams (almejas), King prawns (langostinos), pink and
brown shrimps (gambas rojas, quisquillas) are a delight to the palate, as is the dish that combines mojama
(salt-dried tunny) with cod (bacalao), mackerel (caballa) and a garnishing of olives.